The complete solution for the rehabilitation of severe maxillary atrophy with the Maxilla-for-All® protocol
JDentalCare is a leading manufacturer of advanced dental implants, surgical kits and instruments as well as digital solutions to support the daily work of clinicians. JDentalCare is specialized in the rehabilitation of severe maxillary atrophy with the Maxilla-for-All® protocol: an innovative treatment that combines the use of pterygoid, nasal and zygomatic implants to rehabilitate 100% of cases of severe atrophy in the maxilla.
Reducing costs and time of surgery
Maxilla-for-All® is able to reduce significantly the invasiveness and the time of surgery, compared to traditional regenerative techniques. Therefore, this kind of procedure reduces costs, both for the physician and the patient.
Given the highly innovative nature of Maxilla-for-All®, JDentalCare periodically offers theoretical courses and hands-on sessions where professionals can test the performance of our devices to improve their daily practice.