21 October 2023

Presentation of the course

This course will allow participants to acquire all the necessary skills through theoretical lessons of frontal teaching with the projection of numerous surgical videos, practical activity first on mannequins and then on anatomical preparations, and finally the possibility of attending real surgical procedures. This advanced course is a training process that will lead participants to master advanced implantation techniques such as zygomatic, pterygoid and transinusal implants in order to rehabilitate patients with advanced maxillary bone atrophy without performing bone grafts. This allows faster, less invasive prosthetic reconstructions, with less post-operative discomfort with the possibility of carrying out immediate loading. Finally, the prosthetic aspects will also be treated and discussed.


Theoretical part:

  • Implant placement in the incisal or canine area of the mandible and anatomical risk assessment
  • Zone 33-43: crestal incision, discharge mesial to canines
  •  Crestal incision area 44-45 with isolation of the chin foramen, highlighting the knee of the chin nerve and its displacement in the deep planes of the lip
  • Lingual area debridement with highlighting of the lingual nerve, mylohyoid line, mandibular undercut
  • Upper maxillary anatomy with highlighting of the greater palatine foramen and maxillary sinuses
  • Trans sinus implant placement with sinus lift procedure
  • Pterygoid implant placement
  • Soft tissue management. Connective tissue grafting surgical procedures.

Hands-on session on models

The practical exercise will be performed in groups of two participants on each anatomical preparation.


dr. Filippo De Paolis, dr. Manuel Mingione, dr. Lorenzo Cavallucci, dr. Matteo Miegge


ICLO, Via Evangelista Torricelli 15A, VERONA


€ 1830

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