JDNasal TranZ Drill

The JDNasal TranZ Drill easily allows to create the space in the lateral nasal wall in order to avoid changes in direction of the implant during insertion. The very sharp tip allows anchoring at the Z point in the nasal bone preventing slippage of the drill in the nasal cavity. Diamond coating allows to control, design and correct perfectly the osteotomy axis into the nasal cavity and crestally.

JDNasal TranZ Drill
Code: JDDIADR101

Product features:

The drill is characterized by a 5 mm lanceolate tip and by a diamond body.

The drill body has a geometry that follows the profile of the JDNasal implant. The lanceolate tip allows anchoring in the nasal bone while preventing slippage of the drill in the nasal cavity. Diamond coating allows the implant insertion axis to be corrected if necessary.

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